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Private Sound Healing Sessions

Awaken through Sound and Discover Inner Harmony

Private Sound Session experiences are available for booking

(or click here if you want to book a group sound ceremony)

Do you want to feel a sense of inner peace and calm?
Would you like to be bathed in soothing vibrations as Astaria sings to your soul?
Are you ready to relax completely and feel rejuvenated?
Do you want to remember your truth and cultivate clarity in your mind?
Are you ready to let go of stress or anxiety and allow yourself to receive a nourishing sound healing treatment?

This sounds delightfull, sign me up!

Have a listen to a sample of the soothing sound that Astaria loves to share:

Listen to more of Astaria’s Sound

We are made of Light & Sound

Soul Spa & Sonic Massage

1-1 Sound Healing Session

Allow yourself to relax and receive a nourishing sound healing treatment

*these sessions are only available in person

A private Soul Spa session focuses on going deeper into personal healing with sound. You will receive focused intention to bring harmony to what is needed in your life at the moment. A session can simply be for deep relaxation or can focus on releasing and bringing balance to dissonance within the mental, physical, emotional, or spiritual aspects of your being.

Sessions include crystal bowls played on the body accompanied by a variety of other vibrational sound tools.
Astaria is a soul singer, meaning that you may also receive a channeled song for your soul, a resonant melody that is completely unique to your session.

Immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of various instruments and vibrational sound tools, as they facilitate deep peace and relaxation in your being, raising your frequency, balancing the energy in your body, and promoting a sense of harmonious well-being.

A sound bath feels like receiving a spa for your soul. Bathing in the frequencies of sound is like getting a massage for your mind, body, and spirit.

**These sound healing sessions may also include voice activation, light language transmissions, soul recovery, spiritual guidance, counselling, life coaching, energy clearing, or intuitive messages, depending on what is most needed and channeled through.

*optional add ons:
Cacao medicine to further open the heart.
Vocal activation, singing and toning to clear and open your energy centres to receive sound.

I want to experience Inner Harmony

Keepers of Frequency, which is what we are encouraging you to become, learn how to modulate the frequency they hold through the use of Sound. Sound can penetrate any substance, move molecules, and rearrange realities. 

—  The Pleiadians (via Barbara Marciniak)

Some of the benefits of receiving sound therapy:

Enhanced mental clarity and balance
Improved memory and concentration
Improved sleep
A stronger immune system
Inspired creativity
Relieve stress, anxiety, tension, pain, PTSD, and depression in the mind and body

read more about Voice & Sound Alchemy

Astaria’s voice will serenade your journey into bliss and remembrance…

Everything in the universe is energy. All energy is movement, all movement is vibration and all vibration is sound. Like a tuning fork for a piano, Sound Medicine will restore the body to its optimum attunement.

— Edgar Cayce

Sound Ceremony for groups & special events

Sound Healing is a great way to set the tone of a space, to harmonize the energy of your guests, to beautyfully open or close a gathering, to add a special touch to your retreat, ceremony, celebration, workshop, festival, wedding, etc.

Click here to find out more about Group Sound Ceremony experiences

What people are saying

I cannot describe into words the state of peace and resonance felt while receiving a nourishing sound bath from this beautiful sister. Her angelical voice, pristine positive and vibrant energy, combined with sacred frequencies from the instruments she uses, facilitate entering the deepest levels of meditation and peace. I cannot recommend her enough!


My shamanic sound session with Astaria was the closest thing to magic that I’ve ever experienced!


It was such a pleasure working with Astaria! She brings the pure light of an open heart to her music that spreads throughout the space so you can almost touch it. Her magnetism raises the vibe of everyone present and helps us all to feel into the beauty of sound.


Astaria’s voice and energy will blow your mind and your heart wide open!

read more testimonials here

Some of the instruments & sounds that Astaria weaves

During a sound journey with Astaria, you may be blessed with any of the following:

crystal alchemy bowls
medicine drum
native american flute
steel tongue drums
multidimensional voice & spirit songs
light language transmissions

Please reach out if you have any queries or want to book a session.

Connect with Astaria

If you are too tired to speak, sit next to me, because I too am fluent in silence.

— R. Arnold

About your Guidess

Astaria is a Voice Midwife, Sound Alchemist, and Creativity Catalyst.
She is certified as a Sound Healing Practitioner, Reiki Master, Shamanic Medicine Practitioner, Vocal Activation Coach, and trained Counsellor.

Astaria facilitates safely supported experiences for clients to dive deep into their healing journey, awaken truth, and connect with their authentic expression.

She intuitively facilitates sound healing sessions for individuals, groups, and special events, utilizing a variety of instruments such as flutes, medicine drum, crystal alchemy bowls, tuning forks, chimes, and channeled multidimensional frequencies through her voice.

Her love for Mother Nature and her infinite curiosity for creation, keep her always learning more and discovering the magic of life. She loves sharing the universal language of music for evoking emotion, sparking remembrance, and connecting our hearts.

Astaria is in service to love, here to share healing sound for the purpose of raising our collective vibration into harmony with our Mother Earth. 

“When we heal ourselves, we heal all our relations.” 

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Costa Rica Sound Healing Ceremony Voice Coaching Astaria Light of Sound

Droplets of Inspiration

Nestled in blackberry and rose thickets, within a traditional style tipi, received from a First Nations tribe in the prairies, whose inside came alive with a warm fire and tender hearts, Astaria Light opened a sacred cacao ceremony, and the journey of a Sound of the Heart ignited.

The enchanting cacao bubbled to life as it was honoured in each person’s favourite mug and began to work magic with its aroma, alluring tenderness and soothing richness in spirit. Intentions of release and renewal echoed within the chambers of the tipi as sharing and honouring of each other’s journey was embraced.

Astaria’s timeless and galactic voice tickled the cacao to life within the veins, combining the sound of the elements, the rainbow of vibration-shifting instruments, with ethereal feminine beauty of voice, guiding the voyage to the internal planes within, into the deepest chambers of the heart.

The sound of the heart gently and powerfully encouraged the shutters to swing open, bringing in fresh vibrating breath, a joyous sigh of relief in reconnection, while letting out the stale and stagnant frequencies. Brought back down to earth by the surrounding chorus of birds and soft summer breezes, the glow of cacao remained in all.

What a heart-filled joy to experience the love of Astaria Light, her relationship to the sacred plant medicine of cacao, and most importantly the gift of the internal journey to the heart that was offered around a warm fire with tender hearts.


Stephanie Woods

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